13th Annual Western BCA Regional 9-Ball Championships
October 12-17, 2010
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (30 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (72 entries) Men's Open-A Singles (123 entries)
Men's Master Singles (67 entries) Women's Master Singles (28 entries) Men's Senior Singles (27 entries)
Men's Open-B Singles (136 entries) Women's Open Singles (98 entries) Men's/Mixed Teams (129 entries)
  Women's Teams (46 entries)  
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League JDF = Juan de Fuca PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass
COB = Central Oregon BCA LINC = Lincoln City LTD = Player’s Club Limited
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SLC = South Lincoln County
CC = Cherry City LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MID = Mid Valley BCA TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
HMT = Helena BCA NPB = New Peking BCA UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House NPL = Northwest Player’s League WWA = Western Washington United BCA
INL = Inland BCA PAC = Pacific Coast BCA  
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 30
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $3,000
Added Money $2,030
Total Payout $5,030
2nd Place
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1,600 Mike Stevens/Cindy Doty NPL 7th /8th $170 Ron Balius/Josie LeRoy NPL
2nd $1,030 Eddie Mataya/Cynthia Sliva NPL 7th/ 8th $170 Shawn Self/Cindy Rosenthal CC/EV
3rd $660 James Davee/ Jo Woodward LTD 9th - 12th $110 Tom Brady/ Darcy Williams MID/EV
4th $420 Chad Bisconner/Stacy Eilts NPL 9th - 12th $110 Cedric Sloan/Eve Stockstill NPL
5th/6th $270 Paul Marquez/Kimberly Kirk NPL/LTD 9th - 12th $110 Tim Haines/Rosie Jensen NPL
5th/6th $270 Dan Louie/Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL 9th - 12th $110 David Schelske/Wanda Plummer NPL
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 72
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $5,040
Added Money $1,330
Total Payout $6,370
2nd Place
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1,300 Bob Cook/Sheri Cook MID 13th - 16th $120 Ed Slade/Faith Morfin LTD
2nd $930 Rod Bair/Donna Kingsbury CC 13th - 16th $120 Pat O'Meara/Mindi Henning NPB
3rd $650 Melvin White/Patty Gary SLC 13th - 16th $120 Sonny Boggs/Rebecca Easley PCGP
4th $470 Adam Stromberg/Alisha Rogers LTD 13th - 16th $120 Toshi Moriguchi/Kathy Stanley LTD
5th - 6th $330 Bill Ermatinger/Maridana Fitzgerald NPL 17th - 24th $90 Leo Violette/Talya Makus LTD
5th - 6th $330 Robert Cummings/Julie Stallings EV 17th - 24th $90 Mike Owings/Debbi Owings LTD
7th - 8th $240 Wayne Milke/Vi Brons NPL 17th - 24th $90 Willie Wong/Trish Morgan CWY
7th - 8th $240 Jim Davenport/Sara Mullenneix LTD 17th - 24th $90 Rocke Bell/Lori Dawkins EV
9th - 12th $170 Wally Johnston/Robyn Willits NPL 17th - 24th $90 Linnie Birdsong/Janet Tucker Linc
9th - 12th $170 Wes Bledsoe/Sharon Bledsoe INL 17th - 24th $90 John Brown/Wendy Luft COB
9th - 12th $170 John Welsh Jr/Liz Vosburg EV 17th - 24th $90 Brian Kvasnicka/Alicia Kvasnicka INL
9th - 12th $170 Glenn Strode/Michelle Hughes LTD 17th - 24th $90 Jerry Hagen/Pam Carraway NPB
Men's Master Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 67
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $3,350
Added Money $2,205
Total Payout $5,555
2nd Place
Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player League
1st $1,200 Glenn Atwell NPL 9th-12th $140 Peter Gates NPL 17th-24th $55 JW Koon CC
2nd $900 Dan Louie LTD 9th-12th $140 JC Campbell CC 17th-24th $55 Cedric Sloan NPL
3rd $625 Damian Pongpanik NPL 9th-12th $140 Mike Stevens NPL 17th-24th $55 Paul Marquez LTD
4th $430 Matt Horner CC 9th-12th $140 Dennis Proia WWA 17th- 24th $55 John Cassidy PCGP
5th/6th $300 Rich Geiler WWA 13th-16th $95 Brad Gowin CPL 17th-24th $55 John Duclos NPL
5th/6th $300 Don Wirtaman WWA 13th-16th $95 Sean Lewis LTD 17th-24th $55 Masa Sasaki LTD
7th/8th $210 Marvin Holmes LTD 13th-16th $95 Creigh Dumo WWA 17th-24th $55 Rick Copeland MID
7th/8th $210 Eddie Mataya NPL 13th-16th $95 Russell Cearley EV 17th-24th $55 Chad Bisconer NPL
Women's Master Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 28
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1,400
Added Money $995
Total Payout $2,395
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $900 Saenz-Maes Andrea NPL 5th - 6th $130 Cole Liz NPL
2nd $570 Sliva Cynthia NPL 5th - 6th $130 Knight Linda PCGP
3rd $340 Krause Diane EV 7th - 8th $55 Hopkin Mary NPL
4th $215 Stockstill Eve NPL 7th - 8th $55 LeRoy Josie NPL
Men's Open-A Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 123
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $4,920
Added Money $1,625
Total Payout $6,545
2nd Place
Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag
1st $950 Scott Brasher NPL 17th-24th $85 Doug Ellenberger CC 33rd-48th $45 Owen Miller WWA
2nd $700 Paul Johnson NPL 17th-24th $85 Linn Petty EV 33rd-48th $45 Daniel Rodriguez NPL
3rd $520 Jing Gicoso WWA 17th-24th $85 Daniel Schwartz NPL 33rd-48th $45 Justin McCrory NPL
4th $385 Morgan Prescott NPL 17th- 24th $85 Dustin Olsen NPL 33rd-48th $45 Steve Marker CPL
5th/6th $285 David Ohler INL 17th-24th $85 Mike Scotvold CWY 33rd-48th $45 Carlos Cadena CC
5th/6th $285 Darrel Sampson CWY 17th-24th $85 Sean Stevenson NPL 33rd-48th $45 Gary Maxwell UMP
7th/8th $210 Gary Crane CPL 17th-24th $85 Nick Lopez CWY 33rd-48th $45 Larry (LT) Tulfo WWA
7th/8th $210 Leo Violette LTD 17th-24th $85 Ryan Busto INL 33rd-48th $45 Jerry Hagen NPB
9th-12th $155 Cody Clark LTD 25th-32nd $65 Mike Deveau WWA 33rd-48th $45 Jeff Goemmel NPL
9th-12th $155 Rennie Amadeo WWA 25th-32nd $65 Larry Shave NPL 33rd-48th $45 Mike Kurz NPL
9th-12th $155 Wayne Milke NPL 25th-32nd $65 Josh Thomashefsky EV 33rd-48th $45 Allen Cornell INL
9th-12th $155 Stan Ottinger Jr. CC 25th-32nd $65 Randy White NPL 33rd-48th $45 Greg Garcia NPL
13th-16th $115 Bret Baker PCGP 25th-32nd $65 John Brown COB 33rd-48th $45 Adam Stromberg LTD
13th-16th $115 Tim Desmarais CWY 25th-32nd $65 Gary Hoffman EV 33rd- 48th $45 Rick Amos LTD
13th-16th $115 Bill Irons LTD 25th-32nd $65 Peter Ploem NPL 33rd- 48th $45 Richard Couch TIO
13th-16th $115 Wynn Palmerton LTD 25th-32nd $65 Skip Wong WWA 33rd- 48th $45 Horacio Tafolla NPL
Men's Open-B Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 136
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $4,080
Added Money $890
Total Payout $4,970
2nd Place
Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag
1st $700 Mike Owings LTD 17th-24th $65 David Taylor NPB 33rd-48th $35 Eddie Dunaway CWY
2nd $520 Milan Kopecky NPL 17th-24th $65 Dave Kay EV 33rd-48th $35 David Mackey SWI
3rd $390 William Bagley COB 17th-24th $65 Rich Irving INL 33rd-48th $35 Darrell McFarland JDF
4th $290 Dave Craig MID 17th- 24th $65 Adam Veliz NPL 33rd-48th $35 Jim Meiers LTD
5th/6th $220 Alfredo Pelayo TIO 17th-24th $65 Tuy Singarai CPL 33rd-48th $35 Kevin Larson LTD
5th/6th $220 Marcello Girardi LTD 17th-24th $65 Les Harvey CWY 33rd-48th $35 Don Brenneman Linc
7th/8th $165 Joel Peck EV 17th-24th $65 Dave Avegio CPL 33rd-48th $35 Tim VonFlotow TC
7th/8th $165 Gary Adam CPL 17th-24th $65 David Zeleny SWI 33rd-48th $35 Tyrel Datwyler NPL
9th-12th $120 Duane Hole NPL 25th-32nd $50 Charles Zednik TIO 33rd-48th $35 Jim Anderson MID
9th-12th $120 Somerfield Habener EV 25th-32nd $50 Harry Howard NPL 33rd-48th $35 Michael Knight COB
9th-12th $120 Ko Naing CPL 25th-32nd $50 Josh Sculley NPB 33rd-48th $35 Joseph Fuller EV
9th-12th $120 Morgan Fleming CC 25th-32nd $50 Adam Cooper NPL 33rd-48th $35 Jose Aquino NPL
13th-16th $85 Bill Smutz NPL 25th-32nd $50 Bob Harrington CC 33rd-48th $35 Tyler Amos LTD
13th-16th $85 Frank Blazon NPL 25th-32nd $50 Wally Johnston NPL 33rd- 48th $35 Bob Wells MID
13th-16th $85 Willie Wong CWY 25th-32nd $50 Ronnie Wong LTD 33rd- 48th $35 Phil Gibson EV
13th-16th $85 Evan Bourssard CPL 25th-32nd $50 Al Williams NPL 33rd- 48th $35 Toshi Moriguchi LTD
Women's Open Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 98
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $3,430
Added Money $840
Total Payout $4,270
2nd Place
Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag Place Prize Player Leag
1st $775 Maridana Fitzgerald NPL 13th-16th $80 Adele Evans NPL 25th-32nd $40 Smitty Smith CPL
2nd $565 Wendy Luft COB 13th-16th $80 Jenny Blackstone EV 25th-32nd $40 Bernie Foster LTD
3rd $400 Michelle Nelson WWA 13th-16th $80 Tami Delano LTD 25th-32nd $40 Julie Stallings EV
4th $290 Julie Baker PCGP 13th-16th $80 Candy Zeleny SWI 25th-32nd $40 Trish Holden JDF
5th/6th $210 Kathy Stanley LTD 17th-24th $55 Gloria Villa LTD 25th-32nd $40 Stacy Enriquez CPL
5th/6th $210 Kathryn Moses EV 17th-24th $55 Lisa Wagner CPL 25th-32nd $40 Trish White NPL
7th/8th $150 Sara Mulleniex LTD 17th-24th $55 Angel Veliz NPL 25th-32nd $40 Lynda Moore LTD
7th/8th $150 Alisha Rogers LTD 17th- 24th $55 Adrianne Beach LTD 25th-32nd $40 Anna Harris EV
9th-12th $110 Carole Hartzell TC 17th-24th $55 Shirley Morgan NPL  
9th-12th $110 Vanessa Rabito NPL 17th-24th $55 Alicia Kvasnicka INL
9th-12th $110 Faith Forfin LTD 17th-24th $55 Delores Reis LCP
9th-12th $110 Stephanie Amerman COB 17th-24th $55 Jessica Orth LTD
Men's Senior Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 27
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $945
Added Money $265
Total Payout $1,210
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $450 Chun Joe LTD 5th - 6th $65 Boggs Sonny PCGP
2nd $280 Baumann Steve MID 5th - 6th $65 Kaai Lono COB
3rd $170 Ruddick Bill CPL 7th - 8th $40 Reutter Joe NPL
4th $100 Buck Alan LTD 7th - 8th $40 Pike Deacon INL
Men's/Mixed Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 46
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $4,830
Added Money $1,800
Total Payout $6,630
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $3,000 A Little Loaded Mike Jensen, Frank Kincl, Mike Stevens NPL
2nd $2,175 East-Side Boys Scott Brasher, Sam Maul, Dave Schneider NPL
3rd $1,575 Explosive Sean Lewis, Chris Suarez, John Te LTD
4th $1,155 Another Gear Glenn Atwell, Larry Maes, Brian Roberson NPL
5th/6th $840 Walt's Pourhouse John Chaplin, Bobby Charitar, Tim Fox, Steve Swan TIO
5th/6th $840 T.O.E. Keith Johnson, Miguel Morfin, Jeff Wilson LTD
7th/8th $600 3 For Pool Robert Olson, Larry Shave, Eric Soumokil NPL
7th/8th $600 Golden Fleece Marcello Girardi, Steve Graham, Loy Long LTD
9th-12th $435 Pretty Good at Drinkin Beer Bret Baker, John Cassidy, Mark Fenn PCGP
9th-12th $435 Fish On! Larry Davis, Arnold Rapapan, Ronnie Wong LTD
9th-12th $435 Pocket Aces Bob Cook, Shawn Gibson, Gary Yoder MID
9th-12th $435 Better Late Than Never Shea Lanter, Paul Mrquez, Sean Stevenson NPL
13th-16th $315 What A Deal Robert Cummings, Roger Goodman, Dan Madden EV
13th-16th $315 The Unstoppables Steve Gelow, Joe Ladd, David Scarth NPL
13th-16th $315 Spin Doctor Darrold Crain, Steve Heiman, Dennis Young PCGP
13th-16th $315 Soundview Bar & Grill Jim Conway, Ed Slade, Adam Stromberg LTD
17th-24th $225 1 Shot…1 Kill…. Gosall Pheng, David Ray, Cedric Sloan, Al Williams NPL
17th-24th $225 Little Leaguers Gary Crane, Brad Gowin, Adam Henneke CPL
17th-24th $225 Medicated Warriors Morgan Fleming, Robert Harrington, Norm Reddenkop CC
17th- 24th $225 Eagle Eye Billiards Sonny Boggs, Dan Burdick, Penny Burdick, James Myers PCGP
17th-24th $225 3 Blind Squirrels Kevin Parr, Darrell Schulden, Bob Zack NPL
17th-24th $225 Malarky's 2010 Crow Butt, Sean Gray, Eddie Mataya NPL
17th-24th $225 Back Alley Akio Nakashima, Robert Niemeyer, David Thompson NPL
17th-24th $225 Bounty Hunters Rod Bair, Doug Ellenberger, Matt Horner CC
25th-32nd $165 Shark Chum Wesley Bledsoe, Rich Irving, Chris White INL
25th-32nd $165 The Shootists Alan Buck, Marvin Holmes, Ford Rice LTD
25th-32nd $165 Good Ol' Boyz Terry Bayne, Paul Gronillo, Anthony Wahpat CWY
25th-32nd $165 The Last Minute-Men Aaron Curti, Peter Ploem, Shane Verhaaren NPL
25th-32nd $165 Peking Dragons Kevin Fong, Jerry Hagen, Pat O'meara NPB
25th-32nd $165 Snuffy's Randy Baker, Jon Chase, Richard Couch, Rick Tillett TIO
25th-32nd $165 On Tap JC Campbell, Peni Misa, Randy Petz CC
25th-32nd $165 RSTing Steve Copher, Ray Cunningham, Tony Dunlap, CPL
33rd-48th $135 Bad Influences Jesse Arismendez, Cisco Cabello, Jef Stuart CC
33rd-48th $135 Chronic Cues Jim Anderson, Gary Jaremka, Jim Roe MID
33rd-48th $135 Escalator Repair Men David Hawksley, David Kartchner, Chuck Mileur CPL
33rd-48th $135 Schooner Boyz Rennie Amadeo Sr, Jing Gicoso, Bobby Hinkley, Lary (LT) Tulfo WWA
33rd-48th $135 Triple Shots Wes Oshel, Cord Parsons, Russell Simonson MID
33rd-48th $135 Littlerock Tavern Mike Gwinn, Carroll Johnson, Eric Sawyer TC
33rd-48th $135 Have Guns Will Travel Jim Knappenberger, Jefrey Leiss, LT Taylor CPL
33rd-48th $135 Baldy and the Thin Spots Karl Hanson, John Lewis, Nic Ramirez CPL
33rd-48th $135 Abracadabra Chris Gattman, Andrew Monstis, Steve Pulido CPL
33rd-48th $135 Killer B's Lloyd Aalvik, Bill Armstrong, Henry Rico NPL
33rd-48th $135 3 Stooges Larry Estes, JW Koon, Earl Saddix CC
33rd-48th $135 3 Blind Men Bob Danielson, John Duclos, Greg Garcia NPL
33rd-48th $135 Old Guys Rule David Anderson, Charles Burnett, Bill Ermatinger NPL
33rd- 48th $135 Day Late & a Dollar Short Zacariah Masiba, Ron OK, Daniel Rodriguez NPL
33rd- 48th $135 The Grinders Dan Hawk, Mitch Kimball, Randy Paszkeicz LTD
33rd- 48th $135 Adams Street #1 Eric Gibson, Joe Oates, Ken Dodd NPL
Women's Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 46
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $4,830
Added Money $1,800
Total Payout $6,630
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1,725 Tits O Fury Kimberly Kirk, Suwanna Kroll, Alisha Rogers LTD
2nd $1,170 Deadly Dames Eva Hill, Josie LeRoy, Vaness Rabito NPL
3rd $795 Shark This Jena Angerstein, Kathryn Vitkauskas-Moses, Darcy Williams EV
4th $540 Knuckles Brenda Bartholomew, Cindy Sliva, Adele Evans NPL
5th - 6th $360 El Dorado DJ's Jenny Blackstone, Julie Elce, Diane Krause EV
5th - 6th $360 Absolut Confusion Bonnie Jones, Linda (Smitty) Smith, Shawn Wolf CPL
7th - 8th $240 Horsehead Supergirlz Andrena Browne, Juli DeWalt, Pam Haggard, Jeanie Williamson EV
7th - 8th $240 Hustlin' 4 The Green Talya Makus, Faith Morfin, Shari Ross LTD
9th - 12th $165 Twisted Chrome Kickstand Elaine Eberly, Fran Johnson, Jo Woodward LTD
9th - 12th $165 Sassy But Classy Coleen Brower, Jackie Cantrell, Donna Totten NPL
9th - 12th $165 Nuclear 9-Ball Susie Gray, Mary Hopkin, Angel Veliz NPL
9th - 12th $165 Mike's A Girl!!! Niki Bisconner, Stacy Eilts, Mike Fitzgerald NPL
13th - 16th $135 DOC'S Bonnie Danel, Delores Reis, Jenny Sheldon LCP
13th - 16th $135 Gimme A Break Lynda Moore, Leanne Russell, Kathy Stanley LTD
13th - 16th $135 Break Up Bettys Angie Kalamas, Susan Preston, Lynette Schmale EV
13th - 16th $135 NPL Chix Cindy Doty, Debie Leelyn, Shirley Morgan NPL